From the very start we have made it a priority to collaborate with media outlets in order to make both our message and work known more widely  

Among others, we published in Bioagricoltura, AIAB’s magazine and in Amm Terra Nuova. We also worked with CONTRORADIO, a local radio station in Tuscany (Radio Popolare network), with whom we co-produced programme “Parole Contadine” and a reportage “Let’s Liberate Diversity! Szeged Forum 2012”.

Since the end of 2019 we have been contributing a monthly piece “Semi in Viaggio” to magazine Altreconomia; since the end of 2020 we have been writing “Piante e Persone”for the new magazine L’Integrale. In 2021 we have picked up again our work with Terra Nuova Edizioni: they will include one of our magazine issues with theirs; starting from July 2021 we will be a regular quarterly feature in Amm Terra Nuova.

Finally, we want to mention our collaboration with publisher Pentàgora, with whom we curates some publications on seed:

  • O. Porfiri, I frumenti, 2013;
  • N. Vavilov, L’origine delle piante coltivate, 2015;
  • S. Ceccarelli, Mescolate, contadini mescolate, 2016;
  • A. Pasin, Di seme in meglio, 2019;
  • S. Ceccarelli, Ci vediamo stasera a Damasco, 2019.

This page is meant as a snapshot of our collaborations.