The Humane Earth Foundation is pleased to announce that the 2015 Vegetable Free Breeding Prize has been awarded to:

 Cedric Godbert, a French professional gardener installed in the Loire Valley, for his round white zucchini

Ruurd Walrecht, a Dutch “amateur” gardener living in Sweden, for his sugarcorn adapted to the Scandinavian climate

This prize has been awarded by an international Panel of Judges composed of Véronique Chable (INRA), Bernard Charret (Les Chandelles Gourmandes), Ananda Guillet (Kokopelli), Edith Lammerts van Bueren (Louis Bolk Institute), Imane Lauraux (Lo’13’To) and Amadeus Zschunke (Sativa).

The Humane Earth Foundation is pleased to announce that the 2015 Vegetable Free Breeding Prize has been awarded to:

 Cedric Godbert, a French professional gardener installed in the Loire Valley, for his round white zucchini

Ruurd Walrecht, a Dutch “amateur” gardener living in Sweden, for his sugarcorn adapted to the Scandinavian climate

This prize has been awarded by an international Panel of Judges composed of Véronique Chable (INRA), Bernard Charret (Les Chandelles Gourmandes), Ananda Guillet (Kokopelli), Edith Lammerts van Bueren (Louis Bolk Institute), Imane Lauraux (Lo’13’To) and Amadeus Zschunke (Sativa).

The winners were chosen among candidates from several European countries (Germany, Denmark, Spain, France, Greece, United Kingdom and Sweden)

The results of this award demonstrate – if proof was needed – that beyond the preservation of heirloom varieties, the discovery and selection of new non-hybrid varieties is within the reach of every professional or amateur gardener, freely, for the beauty and the pleasure, or for the need to adapt the plants to varied places and climates … as our ancestors have always done without the help of genetic engineering !!


All details are on the website


Jean-Louis Gueydon de Dives
President Humane Earth Foundation