ITPGRFA – International panel on fruit and vegatables genetic diversity: the status and challenges of conservation, exchange and use
Il Trattato Internazionale sulle risorse genetiche vegerali per l’alimentazione e l’agricoltura (ITPGRFA) in collaborazione con Global Crop Diversity Trust organizzano un panel di esperti sulla diversità genetica di fruttiferi e ortaggi.NNIn 2021, the international community celebrates the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables. The Secretariat of the International Treaty, in collaboration with the Global Crop Diversity Trust, is convening an international panel of high-level experts to highlight the importance of the genetic diversity of fruits and vegetables for food and nutrition security.NThe international panel will:N• discuss how genetic resources of fruit and vegetable are currently conserved, shared and used by international genebanks, national programmes, researchers and breeders, the seed sector and non-governmental organizations;N• Showcase examples of development and production of fruit and vegetable varieties suited to diverse agro-systems and farming practices;N• Discuss current challenges associated with the conservation and use of fruit and vegetable genetic resources, and identify future needs and actions.NNThe panel will be held on Zoom platform. Please pre-register in advance of the meeting at this link:N registration will be openuntil 15 February, 11:00 hrs., GMT+2.NSimultaneous interpretation in French, English, Arabic and Spanish will be available.NNThemes of the panel:N• Status of fruit and vegetable genetic resources: a global overviewN• Experiences and challenges in the conservation, sharing and use of genetic resources of: – horticultural crops, and – fruit trees.NSpeakers:NThe group of high-level experts will comprise representatives of FAO and other international organizations involved in food and agriculture, governments, private sector and civil society.NNThe full programme of the event will soon be published on-line. Questions from the audience to the panelists will be welcome.NOther panels:NThe Secretariat of the International Treaty and the Global Crop Diversity Trust have joined forces to organize a series of international online panels to bring together key actors of the conservation and use of plant genetic resources. The first international panel in September 2020 reflected on the impacts of the COVID-pandemic on plant genetic resources programmes (please click here for the full recording). A third panel will take place in the second quarter of 2021 on cryo-conservation, a method with a significant potential to ensure the long-term, sustainable conservation of fruit trees and other important food crops.NSecretariat of theNInternational Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA)NFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)NViale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Rome, ItalyNNN